Dashboard Main Features Overview
Dashboard is designed for users with a plethora of options so you can upload, connect, enrich, your 3D models and present them as stories directly from within the frontend without any coding!
Fast, secure and easy upload
Easily connect your Sketchfab and Europeana account and view your 3D models
The dashboard allows to upload your own 3D models right in the dashboard with all the metadata available.
Publish your 3D Models
View and publish your 3D models
The dashboard allows to upload your own 3D models right in the dashboard with all the metadata available.
All you need to do is to synchronise your account with Sketchfab and automatically all your 3D models will be available in Share3D.
Add any metadata required by Europeana and share your 3D models. Submit to Europeana.
Share3D Dashboard is and will always be available for free!
Share3D is funded by European Commission to support cultural heritage with high-end technologies.
Create public lists of your 3D models
Let others view your 3D models collections
Once your 3D models are imported from Sketchfab set the public so that others can view them.
How to join!
To access the Dashboard, please click the button below.